in. Unlike where they will soon find themselves in Classic (P5-P6 bottom feeder dps), Hunters (their abilities) actually scaled very very well all through TBC to SWP's end-game content . Mastery, Marksmanship, and Survival. We recommend tying this line to abilities like Kill Command for Beast Mastery Hunters, Aimed Shot for Marksmanship Hunters, and Kill Command for Survival Hunters, as these are abilities you tend to use on your primary target. will always use its main DPS ability as much as possible. Kinda pointless without it, you need a pet. Aimed Shot is required for all specializations as it is required for Mortal Shots. some insane damage early on. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. Main Nuke - Aimed Shot in MM, Kill Command in BM, Wildfire Bomb in SV. that focus on a combination of bow and pet attacks. Careful not to spam it as you will reset back to hunters mark. It can make a huge difference to how you play a Hunter though. This command means to reset the automatic shooting. Shift 5 = Feign Death. of micromanagement since they need to be told what to do. Bestial Wrath is our on-use talent and provides a major dps boost during "Burn Phase". strongest Hunter spec. example and replace their spells with the ones you feel will be most useful to you, Mastery plays like a glass cannon - you do tons of damage, but have little A steady shot that causes base weapon damage plus (Ranged attack power * 0.2 + 150). Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! Causes an additional 175 against Dazed targets. This will only be used by Survival Hunters in PvE and has minimum use outside of being a filler talent. Survival. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. You will want this talent 5/5. So, what are you waiting for? Shift-mouse wheel= Steady Shot. The Longeye, a troll hunter, and his raptor. things. it in. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. Download the client and get started. Kill Command is instant cast and off the GCD, so a lot of hunters would just add a cast of the KC to every macro not just this one, so that's where that part comes in. Do Not Sheath. Starts cooldown after aura fades. Most of the MM talents focus on Explosive Trap is more of a mass-AoE focused ability, however, whenever possible, as they are considered top-tier DPS at every stage of the if your RANGED attackspeed is 2.17 or smth like that you add 0.01 = 2.18. that BM Hunters could use for near-optimal DPS. This macro is meant to call your pet back to your side You do not need bm specc. The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! Are Hunters good in TBC? Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. Use Concussive Shot whenever the CD is off; if you have Rapid Fire on, you can get two Steady Shots off before that 4 sec is up. Steady Shot. Kill Command Kill Command Rank 1 75 Mana 45 yd range Instant Requires Hunter Requires Level 66 Give the command to kill, causing your pet to instantly attack for an additional 34027 damage. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! The rotation is as follows: There are two AoE spells to mention for Hunters, Multi-Shot and and is only worth using on 7 or more targets. In TBC, thanks to the addition of This talent will help with your, Lightning Reflexes is crucial as a 15% increase to agility will provide a nice increase to, Depending on what Survival talent build you decide to choose you will put either one or two points into this. just do not have the same AoE tools that Mages and Warlocks do. mostly is up to what you value. Classes. Beast Mastery This talent will only be taken 1/5 for Survival Hunters using the build for maximum personal dps output. Efficiency is great for Beast Mastery Hunters as our rotations can be mana heavy and 20% reduction to mana cost on abilities helps significantly. You can achieve the same if not greater numbers manually doing the rotation. Guns, Polearms, Staves, Swords, Thrown, Two-Handed Axes, and Two-Handed For Hunters, TBC is perhaps the strongest they will ever be out of any expansion in WoW's Beyond leveling or trying out your boosted character, you may also be it is hard to recommend. Only 4/5 is required for Frenzy as 80% will allow you to still maintain 100% uptime with the 8 second duration. You get an extra 175 damage against dazed targets. The version on this page is automatically granted to Beast Mastery hunters, and is available to Marksmanship as well. You're completely over-thinking it: #showtooltip /petattack /cast Kill Command If you are set on adding melee weaving into your rotation, then you need to find a Steady Shot Thanks to the incredible buffs and scaling changes so just make sure you weave a Steady Shot between Auto Shots is really all you need to do for the first 1+ years of TBC Classic. enables you to try and queue up a melee attack while running into melee range, allowing will be a delay since your character will want to keep using your Auto Shot on the target. 2. 30% bonus damage to Critical Strikes is way too powerful to pass up. you can simply macro it into Steady Shot and every other offensive ability scaling from Agility to provide a specific debuff for the raid group. 4 pieces: Each time you use your Kill Command ability, your attacks ignore 600 of your victim's armor for 15 sec. The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! Trueshot Aura however, which gives them a nice buff for melee Has been working from 60 to 66. This Talent is only taken by Survival Hunters. him stream on Twitch, or to Auto Shot ratio that works for you, where you also have enough time to drop Mortal Shots is as far as you will go in the Marksmanship tree as Beast Mastery. Interrupts spellcasting, preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 3 sec. Hunter First time hunter and just hit level 62 and got steady shot. Automatic shooting". This macro When your Hunter gets to level 70 you gain an amazingly useful ability called Misdirection. It is a must have for every Survival Hunter as it provides a massive dps boost to the entire raid through increasing Attack Power of all physical damage dealers. Every 6 seconds or so press it Twice. Places your pet on passive when you cast Scatter Shot so your pet 1 other instant cast shot for every 2 Auto Shots. Serpent Swiftness is another absolute must have for Beast Mastery Hunters. While this is not an exhaustive list of all possible/useful macros, we will You need to be able Beast Mastery Artifact Weapon: Titanstrike,,, Do Not Auto Select Target with Initiates Combat. Flags. Survivalist is another minimal benefit talent. follow him on Twitter. However you get a better attack power bonus from this shot (you get 0.3 x ranged ap). you to get your first hit off faster by canceling your ranged Auto Shots while running movement required is, remember that you can move and stop briefly every couple of seconds in between Auto Shot uses. Hunters and their pets use a unique resource, called Focus. The player will not shake the bow no matter how you press it when there is no mandatory delay in the P1 stage. This is just a convenient one-button macro to feed your pet. in our rotation: Kill Command and Multi-Shot. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. Finally, do not forget that you should always swap to Aspect of the Viper The ideal usage is to use the 1:1.5 rotation shown above, and to replace one of the instant casts For instance, if your base weapon speed was hypothetically 2 seconds, with some haste that could be exemplifying almost all macro functionalities below. raid will always want at least one Survival Hunter. The only thing Hunters really lack is AoE, as they significantly better small-window burst, control, and sustain than other Depending on how fast the The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. This is a useless talent for PvE. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. weave are much harder to hit without wasting Steady Shot cast time or Auto Shot time. <-- This link will take you to my new WA. Lethal Shots will always be taken in all situations. Ferocious Inspiration is huge for Beast Mastery Hunters. This talent is more or less a filler talent but can be useful for Survival Hunters looking to melee weave. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. Get yourself the Wolfslayer Rifle out of . to its low cast time and high AP scaling ratio compared to other shots. Beast Mastery Hunters do not have the available points to use this talent. You will want to take 3/3 of this talent. If the rest of the page caught your attention, make sure to check out our However, if the kill command is ON cooldown, then the pet would normal-run to the mob, and normal-attack that assigned mob. of a Steady Shot use. This will be a PvP only talent. In PvP, Survival Hunters take a more control-based approach, This is not an issue on pull since you can use Download the client and get started. Survival is the second most-viable Hunter specialization, and centers around Intimidation is great while solo leveling and in PvP. Beast Mastery Artifact Weapon: Titanstrike, Do Not Auto Select Target with Initiates Combat. You will want to use this talent when your raid uses Heroism for maximum efficiency. Kinda pointless without it, you need a pet. Quick Facts Entry: 34026 Level: 66 Family: Hunter Wowhead Kill Command Kill Command Rank 1 75 mana 45 yd range Instant Give the command to kill, causing your pet to instantly attack for an additional 127 damage. because it is our highest DPS ability even on one target, so adding more targets is just a bonus. Welcome to our Macros guide for Hunter, where you will find out what the best PvE. weapon speed and is only possible on bosses where you can stand consistently at 5 yards from the boss. Kill Command is a row 1 hunter class talent. Improved Concussive Shot will be a PvP only talent. . portion of some of your stats. If you kill the mob/change target, it will reset back to hunters mark. optimization however is if you eventually switch to using a Kill Command This can happen quite easily as you have to wait . game client, this macro no longer works how it once did, and we will once again need to manually There will never be a situation where you will reach this talent in PvE. Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal (173% of Attack power) Physical damage to the enemy. Personally I love Chimaeras and I found that this Macro works like . meters. attack range is now 5 yards instead of 8, meaning we can seamlessly transition Additionally, Hunters received several more nice Leveling as a Hunter should be safe, efficient, and easy to do. It diverges from 1:1.5 in that it repeats twice and then is followed by 1:1 to allow multi to come off of CD. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. All three specializations play relatively similarly as they are all range DPS specializations You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! In PvP however you will want to take 5/5 as your pet will be critical in mantaining pressure on your enemies and any extra armor will help you in that regard. Pathfinding is a useless talent and should never be taken in any situation. Thick Hide should never be used in PvE as it provides no benefit. page. Intimidation can help secure a kill in arenas or help peel the enemy off your healer. This macro will also automatically target a viable enemy in front of you if you do not have focuses on boosting your pet damage in addition to yours, giving you access to where your weapon speed is around 2.8-3.0 baseline. Feorcity is another crucial talent that you will take. The "OMG HUNTER LOOT" / "That's a hunter weapon !" : joke is derived from a time when some classes carried a ranged weapon and a melee weapon. 100% viable in all content. Comment by Nynaeve This spell, Counter Shot, now baseline for all hunters in 5.4, in addition to interrupting the target, will lock the target out of casting a spell of that same school for three seconds, whereas its MM-only counterpart Silencing Shot, will prevent the target from casting a spell of any school for three seconds, in addition to the interrupt. Icon glows when you should cast Steady Shot, Multi-Shot, Kill Command, and change aspects. groups. not synergize well with your damage profile.
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