(Get used to it now - you'll have to get more infinities for the challenge later.) Glyph build: ppppp (all with flat x AD and dim boost, or similar if you don't have exactly that). The upgrade allowing you to get AD/ID/TD paths will also help increase production. This will get all challenge times to 0.02-0.06 seconds or less. Give yourself a pat on the back because now we're about to go to the most fun part of the game for a while, Challenges. You can also use Ra Perk Points for farming Perk Points (thanks to HELLOPERSON), though don't worry too much about it - if you put it off, there will big multipliers to perk point gains and even automatic perk point generation later on: AntimatterDimensionsAutomatorScriptFormatAABeJwVjksKwzAMRPc5hQ6ghSU5n96i9AYmcahJsIs0ci960bU5inAfEQcs6JfwV6xnrRs6TcGzbzEkYvFHusOfUvlfOcWh9Hio0a0bo0b7v0aCKJsCLKJmyYxl7YK80cCC6K8Gm0cGD2NxALrAF9gCUaDJ8kdZVvQG4Kp43NxYzU8j32W0c6Eh36KnkqcZw450aff20av1wEndOfAutomatorScript. Anything that gets you the most around an hour or so is good enough, as you can get multiple milestones at once that way (plus there's no use rushing it). Effarig sac boosts achievement pow (altered glyph effect) boosts black hole speed (V reward). You may have to do a lot of runs taking a few minutes or more in this section. Around 1.5e10 IM, 1e74-1e75 sac, 50-52% continuum purchases and e198-e199 black hole years, you can use the Lai'tela build (ydddd) to get 80k galaxies and unlock the 4th DMD purchase (Dimensional Symmetry). The **Rift** automator from the previous chapter should continue to work (modify infinity/eternity timings as needed). When leaving this section, you should have: At 1e400 EP, you are now near the end of Eternity Challenges (and can be considered the second "inflation era"). The first 10 challenges should be instant, but they can be rough, Time Glyph xEP helps. Swap to EC6/C10 one last time and you should reach e4.8k EP or so. Priority for fourth effect in general is AM Prod > ALL Dim > Buy10. After doing ICs, check out the time studies tab and buy time theorems with AM and IP, Spend them on the left side. Recommended for: General use, especially for eternity and EC phase, The Paradoxical Forever, The Knowing Existence. IC strat will be similar to pre-reality. It also synergises very well with all three other Replicanti Glyph effects, making all of them stronger. (by the way this unlocks achievement 148). You should set this to the lowest value required to reach. If you're playing idly, leave it on at all times. The multiplier from this is generally smaller than the DT multiplier from a Dilation Glyph, though it's still pretty solid. Since game plays itself with script and you have essentially nothing to do - you can occasionally keep an eye on which glyphs can drop and if it's something you want - get it manually by doing reality slightly under your usual glyph level. 3) The important or useless stats on glyphs: Replicanti - the most important stat is more glyph levels. The reality 1>2 run will take ~1.25-5 days depending on activity assuming you started with 4 RM. You can also do Relic Shards briefly to improve Sac growth (the two decimal places rounding is just visual). Afterwards, you should be able to do EC7. Set sacrifice autobuyer threshold to 1e30 and bulk dimboost buyer to 10. You can also. achievement (reaching Infinity replicanti in 1 hour, requires e240 IP), or when you're entering challenges. If IP reaches goal, you beat the challenge. 0.2/8 (buy max dimboosts every X seconds/galaxies required to dimboost). Aim for 5-minute runs! : TS62 and TS213 should be bought. Short summary is that glyph instability is only for farming glyphs, RM multi is only for farming RM and game speed is mostly for improving all farm builds. You can do -999 to essentially 'sink' the glyph if it has this effect, basically not choosing it. Recommended study tree setup for first dilated run: AD/ID + Idle (Active loses IP multi too fast) + 222, 223, 225, 228, 232 and 233. Glyph farm - errrr. You will lose all previous progress (except achievements and statistics, that includes challenge times) in exchange for eternity points (1 EP if you eternitied with 1.79e308 IP), which increases with more IP. Continue optimising your IP/min while buying break infinity upgrades. The Eternity milestones tab shows milestones that unlock more automation and quality of life stuff just by doing more eternities, up to 1000 eternities. Challenges 6, 9 and 12 will be slightly slower (0.45-0.7 seconds). RM goal: until you have 9 total, to buy all of row 1 once. With these two upgrades, you will trivially destabilize Lai'tela for the 8th time, taking only a few seconds. After this huge multiplier, keep getting more IP and make more progress. {\displaystyle t^{120}} Once you reach it - assuming you followed my advice you technically should be ready to tackle it from get go. The Singularity autobuyer only activates upon reaching a threshold above the cap, however, so manual buying is preferred if you want the best Singularity gain rate. Its content takes months or even years to complete and is the perfect choice if you want to get into incrementals. Essentially this is a super-exponential loop, serving a similar but emphasised purpose Galaxy 2 did in your initial run. Now progress will start to feel fast. 8 At this point, you will reach 1e30000 antimatter and can unlock ID5 and Replicanti. At this point, there is only 2 more challenges left to be completed, EC11 and EC12, each with their own unique quirks. You must have completed Eternity Challenges 11x5+12x5 before you can unlock Time Dilation, and you must have at least 12,900 TT in total (around ~e1300 EP). After that, you can buy anything else with your profits. In Young Boy, you only get 2 dimension paths. Section 1 - under 1e308 antimatter (pre infinity) You will start with 10 Antimatter. Now let's enter Teresa's Reality. With this you will filter quite a lot and won't need to check often. Your main focus here is to grind more EP, as of right now. When going to the next section, you will see that you will not have enough TT for Time Dilation (feature), so you have to grind for EP for a short period of time. Don't forget to dilate afterwards! Layer 2 glyph levels are capped at 1500 but you can make do with ~1200-1300 and rarity ~60-70 just fine, is a bit faster if you get lucky with better ones but not worth extending grind for. Also grinding a few banked infinities is good for easier beating of ec10s, as well as taking advantage of its reward. After this, continue to do ~10 minute long crunches and complete each IC as it unlocks. Make sure you have dimension boosts before you big crunch). Completion speed is based on rarity (all epics = 1 hour, legendaries/epics mix = 7-15 minutes, legendaries/mythicals mix = 2 minutes). After a long time of waiting for time theorems and eternity-ing every 10 orders of magnitude of EP, you will get the 5th time dimension (e2350 EP), then the 6th (e2650 EP), then the 7th (e3000 EP) then the 8th (e3350 EP). If you think your progress is slow, go on runs with 1 more galaxy. It's impossible to have done any ECs by now, so it's pure upside, but also a warning for what the future of Eternity Challenges holds: Pain and suffering. Set Automatic Dimboosts to 4 max dimboosts and 8 galaxies to always dimboost, Automatic Galaxies to 10 and disable Automatic Big Crunch. So generally just a really nice effect. (Possible in after EC10x1) - You will get this at high EP, and other multipliers to dimensions that will get very high IP. but it's very fast to get black hole and improve it at that point to trivialise challenge 11 this way. So do the following: The following challenges can be beaten this way: The following challenges will need 1 galaxy to beat as fast as possible, so enable Automatic Galaxies and set it to max 1 galaxy: Lastly that leaves the Tickspeed Autobuyer challenge. Before starting challenge - store time in etttt for a few seconds. Continue this process of prioritizing the largest Dimension for D5-D8. Think of those as 'levels', at certain levels you will get 'perks'. Each Alchemy Resource has a unique effect, which . Antimatter Dimensions Guide By Fanytastic The guide is made for those who can't read Chinese. Press "Lose a Dimboost, returning to the start of the previous Dimboost". You can reality at GL1500 since that's the cap. If you can't remember to discharge, turn off charging until you can. You will probably hit a wall at 4-6 seconds. The IP multiplier dilation upgrade will push you to e2100 EP very quickly. I have seen the later stages so I have come up with the fastest way to prog. Effectively, we can smuggle game speed from when it's higher into a Reality when it's lower. At this point, youll begin generating Imaginary Machines (iM) instead, which can be used to purchase Imaginary Upgrades. Not bad! Antimatter Apocalypse - Get over 1e80 antimatter (No reward) You didn't need it anyway - Reach infinite antimatter without having any 8th Dimensions ( Reward: Dimensions 1 to 7 . Purchase a 2nd, 4th, 6th or 8th dimension (preferably the highest even dimension), and with Time Study 181, you will easily get the achievement. Prolong RM upgrade + EU 1/ACHNR perks massively reduce your reality time, this combo is enough to skyrocket your reality completion time (active run will take like 4-12 hours depending on glyphs, but with more perks and reality upgrades runs will take only a few minutes) and remove majority of 'manual' work you need to do. Do one last IM/GL/Teresa/Sac grind if you need to, and unlock Pelle. When you speed up you're basically gonna have to fight TS141 for the completion. The rest of the bonuses help with glyph level increasing. You can wait for Momentum (the Alchemy Resource) to build to a max of ^1.2. On a new galaxy, turn on autobuyers until you have to lose a reset, and then follow steps 2-3. Before you reality make sure you do the 'Yo dawg, I heard you liked reskins' achievement (143) - disable autobuy/remove the time studies and buy 1 AD1 for the first eternity to minimize it then slowly improve those as you require bigger and bigger eternity. 5) DILR (optional) - DILR is a nice skip for Eternity Challenge 11 (as you can get the IP dilation upgrade first, which makes EC11x5 trivial). Generally a good all-arounder effect that fits well into everything. EC12x4 (EP: probably between e900-e1000 EP, TT: 9,000+ | Goal: 1e146,000 IP within 0.4 seconds (400 seconds real time)): Completions of EC12 are getting harder, which the last completion limits you to only 0.2 seconds (200 seconds real time). 0.1 seconds is the minimum for all Autobuyers, in which essentially a. And in general more infs means a better bonus from EC10, so essentially this is an indirect TD multiplier bonus later in each Reality. The order of upgrades should go like this: 3x TP upgrade (if possible, but recommended) -> Double dilated time generation -> Galaxy threshold multiplier decrease (to prevent wasting dilated time, as it will reset). t Replicanti(no glyph level as thats useless for relic shards)/infinity(ID power + conversion rate + doesnt matter what else)/power(anything)/time(game speed+TD power+anything)/dilation(any). Check that you've bought all Charged Infinity upgrades. These time dimensions will help with production, but unlocking each one will be slow due to having to wait for EP and TT. Go to options and change your notation to Scientific or Logarithm. Matter rises 20x faster than in Challenge 11, tickspeed boost is / (tickspeed/1000)^0.0005. Equip the Cursed Glyph first to prevent your Glyph count from going over 0. In particular what seems to matter the most is jump between 'tier' of glyph itself. At 100,000,000 infinities and 70 spare TT, you can buy EC4x1 and can attempt it. Remember to keep your first bar on as you do so, though you may need to disable it to push for upgrade. You have 6 'challenges' with 6 completions each. (Using the setup 11,22,21,33,31,32,42,41,51,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,122,132,142,151,161,162,171,181,191,192,193,211,212,213,214,222,224,226,227,232,234|12. You can pause blackhole to save it for EC11x4-5, making EC11 trivial. Pouring e18 unlocks EP passive generation. Before clearing Galaxy 7 without boosts, you can also invest in "unlock the buy max dimension boosts autobuyer mode" - this can triple your IP/min to ~8e7IP/min. and all 1e18 dilation upgrades bought. Eventually, you will have to change some time studies for more progress in exchange for TT, but you can get the progress needed for the studies back eventually. ID purchases should be on ID1. There's no point in doing that - Buy a single 1st Dimension when you have over 1e150 of them, making 1st Dimensions 10% stronger. Continue to do runs until you start with the Seventh Dimension and the next DimBoost/Galaxy/Big Crunch Autobuyer interval upgrade costs 128 IP. This can take a few hours but you can mostly idle and only do upgrades from time to time. I recommend selected filter - all glyphs want 90%+ rarity and 4 effects. Wasn't too sure where to put it before - but you can easily get College Dropout achievement with dilation glyph which gives TT passively/hour by simply disabling the autobuy of TT. achievement which now lets you keep 1 RG on Infinity. Grind eternities, you need a minimum of 20,000 to unlock your first EC1, and can go up to 100,000 to reach the softcap of Eternity Upgrade 2. Dilation isn't useful yet, but the other four glyphs all have a specific purpose thanks to the Pelle-specific effect: Replicanti: Best at replicanti amount (for Rift 2 -> Rift 3), Infinity: Best at IP (for Rift 1, TT and Remnants). At this point, you should be able to start Eternity Challenge 1. (you will need to change up the setups a little). Your Replicanti amount resets whenever you Infinity if you don't have the "Is this safe?" But it is still a nice bonus. Note: Banked infinities are useful for future completions of this challenge, go grind banked infinities and (not banked) eternities if you haven't, and you don't have to complete EC10 in one fell swoop (You don't have to do all the completions, you can do it later at e200 EP or higher. But I wanted another prestige layer - You will also eventually get this achievement, before/after 5 more eternities until the update. From this point on, we have choices - we can spend IP speeding up Autobuyers (which will optimise speed), or on buying the 4th column of Infinity upgrades (which will reduce the road to each Infinity). This is basically a way to use idle time more productively - if you can't play the game actively, you can store real time instead. NB: I think this challenge changed during the reality update. RM is capped at 1e1000 and you now improve your IM (Imaginary Machines) based on how much RM you would have generated if there was no cap. To be more exact you shouldn't armageddon again until you have reached e10 multiplier on the first Pelle rebuyable, which should be very easy with the 117/118 remnants you have. At this point, you will increase the multipliers so fast that your Dimensions are doubling every second anyway. This should give you a Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run multiplier of around at least 200x. Now that we understand how Autobuyers work mechanically, let's continue our grind to higher and higher IPs. 5) To progress meaningfully you need to enter EC6 then enter C10 inside of EC6. NOTE: The optimal GL Effarig is currently 'GS, Instability, Achievement, one more' (AM Prod > ALL > Buy 10 but it's extremely close). But first, max out our fastest Infinity to maximize the effect of the Infinity point generation Upgrade. During this section and early in the next section, you will be able to unlock Autobuyers that buy Dimensions and Tickspeed automatically without the player's input, but they cannot be upgraded until later in the game. Don't forget to reenable it the moment you complete this. Multiply Game Speed by X [ ] - This speeds up everything by a small percentage. They will act like regular dimensions, but will cost IP to buy, and in return generate infinity power (giving x^7 multiplier to all antimatter dimensions, where x is Infinity Power). Previous attempts to complete EC7x5 only could reach around 1e3920 IP. With your upcoming IP, get the upgrade Increase the multiplier for buying 10 dimensions 2x 2.2x for 1 IP, then go down the rest of the second column to get Antimatter Galaxies are twice as effective. Spend your EP on Time Theorems. If your antimatter produced is rising faster than the costs are, you have super-exponential production, making the game faster, not slower, as your antimatter increases! Teresa rechallenge effarig does not need to be perfect but it needs to have at least antimatter exponent, it's fine even if it's only 3 effects total. Cycle through glyphs, spending different amounts of time on them based on what you need and their diminishing returns. All stuff in it is very useful. Buying the first 2 levels of this is very quick. Instead of waiting to have 5k TTs spare on top of a complete build, do a 'dash' to unlock dilation buying only the minimum studies required. If you get stuck during the suggested order, you can try to do V-Achievements slightly out of order, stop and farm now, use more black hole charge, spend perk points to lower the requirement, or you might need a better or different Effarig glyph. -lilk0408. It's not worth it until you reach 75x on your first Pelle rebuyable. To upgrade those - go to infinity upgrade tab and click on any of the upgrades you have. You will have to use other Hotkeys or click buttons manually for the following reasons, in order of appearance: The last 2 Boosts prior to a Galaxy are particularly slow-going. The automator above works just fine BUT OPTIONALLY - CHANGE LINE 10 TO 3 seconds (if you are using the build in this guide). Instead you want 2 different builds: You use this build to improve your glyphs. : This is a very simple achievement, an achievement that may have been already achieved if you were far into the late game of April 2018, although you could get this achievement way before that. Achievement 155 will happen naturally sooner or later. If you get stuck at 1e430 EP, respec to get Time Study 232 (Galaxies are more effective based on non-replicated galaxies) at the expense of Time Study 213 (You gain replicanti 20 times faster). There is a new feature that will continue your progress after 1e1300 EP, called Time Dilation. {\displaystyle t^{64}} Doing so will earn around 3~7 million infinitied stat per crunch, amounting to 150,000~350,000 banked infinities when you eternity. Antimatter Dimensions Wiki 108 pages Explore Wiki Content Community Glyphs Edit Glyphs are equipments that are unlocked on Reality that improve various aspects of the game. The optimal strategy is to set dimension 8 autobuyer to buy max and the rest of the dimension autobuyers and the tickspeed autobuyer to buy singles, and galaxy autobuyer to 1 max galaxy. It is really fast if you do it right, but it may not be the first time, as you may have to learn. No matter what do NOT complete EC7 or you will fail this challenge. You'll probably need 3 Galaxies because you only have 6 dimensions meaning no Sacrifice and slower polynomial production. Continue progressing and attempt to get all eternity milestones. But how do they work? Singularities are formed by condensing 200 DE, but if you have more than 200, the rest wont be carried over to form the next Singularity. Because the penalty or cost of increasing a more expensive Dimension is the highest, you should focus on maxing out the highest Dimensions and making sure their costs never line up, while being less careful with lower Dimensions - even if they get as expensive as higher Dimensions, go and upgrade higher Dimensions instead. You might want to push and get e2000AM to unlock Infinity Challenge 1. You will see small boosts to your IP/min production for doing this, but not forever, because the superexponential cost increases for dimensions post-infinity mean that, for example, you won't need to bulk buy more than 64x eighth dimensions for a VERY long time. Faster Replicanti has a lot of bonuses - it means quicker progress through the eternity phase and in many ECs (notably, in EC11), it means a much quicker Replicanti phase pre-eternity, and it means getting far more Replicanti post TS192 for bigger ID and TD multipliers. As you might notice - the biggest challenge is getting Effarigs with good stat combo. Uncapped Replicanti (TS 192) is one of the time studies, costing 730 Time Theorems, and allows you to get past 1.8e308 Replicanti, with an increasing period of ticks (when Replicanti replicates) as you get more Replicanti past 1.8e308 (It's like Breaking Infinity, but now on Replicanti). The trick is to do a normal run (. Note: at this point switch to the active path as having the ID path with the TD path will mean that TS102 synergises with getting more replicanti galaxies, so more RG becomes better than stronger RG, and remember to hold R to get your RGs. Click the button to spend 1e8 IP to buy 1st Infinity Dimension, and unlock the achievement "A new beginning". Wait 10-15 minutes for e4k EP (your goal is to Reality, not to Destabilize). Avoid for Replicative Rapidity (faster game speed makes the goal harder to reach). The only non obvious achievement out there. If you don't have one, go farm it now! 'Max All' prioritizes the next Tickspeed Upgrade over an equally expensive 10 of a Dimension. Flore's Rift Automator script is designed to work from 4 rows of reality upgrades up to 1e18 EP gen. 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.
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