We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. They find the odor horrid. You can use both blood and bone meal if it will be beneficial to your plants. Strong scents - if something smells overpowering to you, imagine how it must smell to your rabbit. Rabbits have a strong sense of smell, which they use to find accessible food sources. Echinacea is one plant the rabbits do not like. OK maybe not. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. You can also use lemon essential oil by adding 10 drops to a spray bottle of water and using it in the same way. I love all animals and love writing about them. These tend to be either aromatic, thorny, or members of the nightshade family: Rabbits. So, unless youve turned your yard into a wildlife sanctuary, theres a good chance that youll want to keep rabbits far away from all the plants, flowers, and shrubs youve spent so much time and effort on. No, rabbits shouldn't eat citronella. While it may make your garden smell like a bag of salt and vinegar chips, itll keep the rabbits away! But the following are rabbit favorites: Tender, young leaves are the most susceptible, although they will sample many plants in the vegetable garden: These plants often sustain the most damage, because they are tender and generally out in the open with no protection: Rabbits prefer tender woody plants with thin bark, so new plants and shoots are at the most risk. The plant that tops the list for rabbits who would like to go nowhere near has got to be wax begonias. Even though rabbits have a strong sense of smell, lemon may not actually repel them. Do not use scented chemicals around your pet, and regularly clean your rabbit's hutch. It is hard to tell when a rabbit is making subtle responses to pungent aromas that you may not have thought were actually repellents. You can often easily identify them as mostly black with one white stripe going down their backs. Lemon balm, Melissa officianalis, is a small plant, growing from 28 to 59 inches tall. Its so accurate; they can smell food deep underground. While we mentioned before how rabbits are connoisseurs of almost every plant and flower, there are a few flowers that rabbits turn their noses up at, for whatever reason. It should be no surprise that plants with a strong fragrance or fuzzy leaves like lavender and black-eyed Susan are less popular with rabbits. Lemon juice is another common ingredient that has been used successfully to keep rabbits away from certain areas. Aside from barking, dogs will sniff, grumble, and make noise as they tromp through your yard. 1, 2020. doi:10.1136/vetreco-2020-000402. Rabbits noses are extremely sensitive, mainly why you frequently see rabbits constantly twitching their little sniffers in the air. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. However, they will be able to smell that another animal is living in the yard, and that alone may help scare them away. 4 . The powerful concentration of scents that essential oils deliver makes them a great deterrent to rabbits. The intricate design of their olfactory system allows them to smell food and danger many miles away. You can also use chili powder or cayenne pepper for similar effects. This makes it not only effective as a rabbit repellent but also a plant fertilizer. Mint and peppermint essential oils are good choices , as are lemon balm and rosemary. But,inform yourself before doing this because it might not be the best idea. The urine of predators such as Coyotes and Foxes is particularly effective at getting rid of unwanted rabbits, an example of which can be found here (link to Amazon.com). Instead, they usually opt to nibble on the green tops, which still ruins the crop just the same. Bee balm can also be used to repel deer. Rabbits also hate the smell of blood, crushed red peppers, ammonia, vinegar, and garlic. They also have a better sense of what smells they like and don't like. A rabbit may not wish to come back to the same area where they hear these noises ever again. This site is owned and operated by Darren Hayward. Decoding Rabbit Foot Thumping. A rabbit that is stuck in an enclosure will either play dead or remain motionless. Also, youll have to reapply this every three to four weeks to keep the smell ripe and fresh. Fireplace fumes - ensure your house is well ventilated so carbon dioxide fumes are properly dispersed. That is not to say that it wont attract other rodents such as a rabbit and if a rabbit was to eat enough of the bait they would die. Hey there, fellow rabbit enthusiasts! Rabbits can quickly adapt to many olfactory offenses and youhave tokeep up. Its high in nitrogen. If you soak a cotton ball with vinegar and place it in areas that you do not wish your rabbit to explore, they will stay away. While they may not eat these particular plants, they may simply eat around them. Please consult a pest control professional before applying any tactics from pestpointers.com. A rabbit may also enjoy the odor of her kits and even her own waste. You can take advantage of this trait by using scents they dislike, such as garlic, vinegar, chili powder, predator urine, sulfur, blood meal, chives, lavender, geraniums, and wax begonias. But,inform yourself before doing this because it might not be the best idea. Some varieties smell like cat urine, gasoline, or a strong citrus smell, which may explain why they are called stink flowers. As I learned more and more I decided to create this website to share my passion and experience of these amazing animals. . Many people think that there is no way to plant a garden without attracting deer. However, since some of these plants do not carry strong odors themselves, we dont recommend using these alone to keep rabbits away from your lawn. It may take a little while to convince the rabbits to look elsewhere for their dinner. Bone meal comprises processed bones made into a fine powder. Animals like coyotes, foxes, or even your house cat or dog will be effective deterrents. Homemade Rabbit Repellents That are Stunningly Effective gardenerdy.com, How to Keep Rabbits Away From Your Yard varmentguard.com, How to Identify and Get Rid of Rabbits almanac.com. Citronella is the name for both an essential oil, and a group of trees/shrubs (mostly growing in tropical climates).Citronella oil - Rabbits shouldn't eat or . 7, no. They have an ability to recognize the smells of many of their enemies and will stay away from areas where these odors are strong given that the predator that left them may be close by. When reading our posts please remember that every rabbit is different and as such we cannot comment on personal experiences. USDA Growing Zones: 4 to 9. if its possible and you know from where they emerge, place some food scraps or their favorite food. Any way you want to do it will be suff. Julie Thompson-Adolf is a Master Gardener and author. Decoding Rabbit Foot Thumping. Mainly, its due to the texture and again, the strong scent of the plant itself. Pee-ew! And these oils are generally NOT safe for rabbits: anise, clove, oregano, tea tree, wintergreen. The texture and smell are repulsive and only gets stronger on sunny days. It will also help to keep their fur coat looking lustrous and silky. and other creatures will eventually avoid it. Therefore, unlike dogs, rabbits do not have a very distinct "Rabbit Smell". Ive even seen that raw eggs, garlic liquid and water mixed together and sprayed on the soil to absolutely repels rabbits. Inspect the rabbit's hutch to determine if it's the source of the smell. This is why we cannot be certain that a rabbit is either stressed, uncomfortable or completely repulsed by some of the odors that we have in our home. Rabbits dine out all year. My impression of a rabbit is one where I make a sniffing face with my nose scrunched upwards. So, use your best judgment and come up with a plan before attempting it. If you have a cat or a dog and its feasible, allow them to urinate around the perimeter of your garden. Keep the area as peaceful as possible. Try looking out for a bulk bag of chili powder at your local wholesale store and spread the mix around your garden 1-2 times a week to keep the scent at its peak. Licking can be so instinctual that they're immediately drawn to lick the second they smell your scent! Williams, S. C., & Short, M. R. (2014). your garden or each plant is very reliable. We want to provide you with all the information for your furry little pals! Some of them are dietary fiber, protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, B9 calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese . . This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. They're known for their distinctive mane, making them look like the lions of Thump, Thump! Since rabbits have such a sensitive sense of smell, there are many offensive odors that may help to deter and keep them away. Do rabbits like the smell of peppermint? Valerian Root. }, Do Rabbits Play Dead? If you are interested in how to deter rabbits, there are ways to control them from overrunning your garden. How Long After A Rabbit Gives Birth Can You Touch The Babies? Rabbits serve a delicate purpose in the natural order of things. Most of them are used as repellents for wild, nuisance rabbits to prevent from ravaging gardens and farms. Youll have to test it out and see. That being said, you really only need to plant these flowers if you enjoy the look of them, or as an extra buffer against rabbits, after utilizing another solution. They are also not crazy about anything with a bitter taste, prickles, thorns, fuzzy foliage, tough leathery leaves, or woody stems. The only question people usually ask is: Do rabbits smell? Rabbits, if hungry enough, will disregard any offenses to their sense of smell and eat your plants, flowers, veggies and fruits anyway. Often those noises will help scare any potential rabbit invaders away. Marie's garden writing has been featured in newspapers and magazines nationwide and she has been interviewed for Martha Stewart Radio, National Public Radio, and numerous articles. So you could create a border using these plants to surround your other more susceptible crops to help deter rabbits and keep them out. Hopefully, your flowers and plants will be rabbit proof after utilizing one or a few of the above suggestions. Yes. uhave tomonitor each method with a close eye to see if itsactually workingagainst rabbit invasions. Do rabbits like the smell of lemon? Make sure that you dont spray vinegar directly on your plants, as it can cause them to wilt. Rabbits enjoy the odor of vanilla because it is sweet. Marie Iannotti is a life-long gardener and a veteran Master Gardener with nearly three decades of experience. The following are examples of sounds that rabbits hate: A rabbit may respond subtly by remaining motionless or playing dead with these intense sounds trigger them. Find your favorite variety of bee balm and plant it in container gardens as well as a background color in your beds that edge the yard. Is it bothering you or your rabbit? Vanilla is used sometimes as a soothing scent to rub on rabbits who are spooked or uncomfortable. A rabbit who is repelled by this type of odor cannot really display outward emotions or would choose not to. Nevertheless, their urine can have a sharp ammonia odor to it. Check for any areas that are particularly damp or any areas with waste in them that haven't been cleaned recently. What Does It Mean When A Rabbit Raises Its Tail? Darren is the founder and editor at Bunny Advice and has been caring for rabbits for over a decade. But rabbits have two pairs of both upper and lower incisors, while rodents have only one set. Frequently Asked Questions 12 Ways To Get Crows To Shut Up And Stop Cawing, 3 Unique Ways That Raccoons Can Damage Your Trees, Why Bats Will Leave On Their Own (And What To Do If They Dont), 8 Signs Of A Skunk Den (And How to Find Them), How To Identify And Naturally Remove Mealybugs In Your Soil. Henke, S. E. (1995, April). However, you may make your rabbit drink apple cider vinegar buy diluting it with water. Rabbits have a strong sense of smell, which they use to find accessible food sources. Generally, sweet herbs and flowers are inviting to rabbits. Using an olfactory offense plan could be very effective against rabbits, but its not foolproof. This thermoregulation capacity of rabbits does not produce any scent. You could get creative and resourceful with this. Lynxes are also native to North America but are typically found in the northern parts of the continent. The bunny was an indoor pet that could not handle outdoor temperatures. Their strategic placement can be surprisingly effective atdeterting, https://www.rabbitcaretips.com/rabbits-sense-of-smell/, https://gardenerdy.com/homemade-rabbit-repellent/, https://petspruce.com/vinegar-keep-rabbits-away/, http://www.planitdiy.com/inspiration/in-lawn-garden/use-red-pepper-flakes-to-ward-off-unwanted-pests/, http://livedan330.com/2015/02/11/keep-rabbits-out-of-garden-using-essential-oils/, https://www.gardenguides.com/blood-meal-rabbit-repellent-7608.html, https://homeguides.sfgate.com/stop-turtle-eating-tomatoes-garden-46078.html, https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/animals/using-predator-urine-in-gardens.htm, https://www.farmersalmanac.com/tips-for-keeping-rabbits-out-of-garden-21167, Protecting Your Garden From Wildlife - Modern Homesteading Podcast, How To Protect Growing Pumpkins From Animals (11 Ways), HowToKeep Deer OutOfYour GardenWithFishing Line, Do Bird Feeders Attract Mice (& How To Stop Them), 16 Foods That Attract Mice (And How To Use Them), Peanut Butter Mouse Trap Not Working (9 Solutions). As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. ry evening, right before rabbits eat, usually at dusk. Any way you want to do it will be sufficient. Citrus is effective against other pests like transient cats, bugs, and slugs but not rabbits, deer, or squirrels. What smells do rabbits love, adore or enjoy? Strain out the oil. Sprinkle several drops around the vicinity of your garden or around the plants from which you wish to deter the rabbits. So, what can be done to keep these cute little flower eaters at bay? There are plenty of natural foods and ingredients that are strong-smelling and super effective rabbit repellants which will do nothing more than upset the rabbits senses. They are herbivores and can make a quick meal of your garden. Rabbit olfactory deterrents are not always reliable. Strong artificial scents and dust aggravate a rabbits nose. Unfortunately, these plants will not deter them completely. Strain out the oil, put it in a spray bottle, and top it off with warm water. I was surprised to learn that Irish Spring bar soap is an inexpensive rabbit repellent. Alternatively, you may like to try some of the ideas weve talked about here. Citrus fruits such as oranges or lemons and grapefruits do not necessarily repel all rabbits. When using any of the recommended methods above, there are a few things to keep in mind: If youve tried everymethodyou can, and the rabbits are still invading your plants, consuming them without mercy, you are going to have to be more proactive. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 11(7), 903-919. Use vinegar instead. Most of the time, owners report their rabbits enjoying the plant. Although, some ownersdo feed it to their pet rabbits without issue. Wax begonias tend to be a little more uncommon in gardens than geraniums or lavender. Additionally, people attest to crushing fresh garlic cloves and placing them over the desired perimeter. Required fields are marked *. Again, the strong scent of sulfer here is the key. You can take advantage of this trait by using scents they dislike, such as garlic, vinegar, chili powder, predator urine, sulfur, blood meal, chives, lavender, geraniums, and wax begonias. What smells do rabbits hate? It is very hardy and grows up to 4 feet tall. Lemon Balm. As we previously mentioned, rabbits have a powerful sense of smell and are wary of other animals urine. Then, put them . Since dogs are not natural predators of rabbits, the urine alone will not have the same effect as the lynx or coyote urine we discussed earlier. Never feed your rabbits essential oils Contrary to what other people say, I suggest that you never attempt to feed your rabbits any essential oil. Unfortunately, these plants will not deter them completely. Terms and Conditions for Pocket pet central. Since chives are such a strong-smelling plant, using this herb to repel rabbits is always a brilliant idea. Rabbits despise the smell of coffee grounds. (Rabbits are lagomorphs, not rodents.). Rabbits grazing in your flower beds will simply eat around the less enticing plants. In general healthy rabbits don't smell bad at all. Cinnamon, Citrus (d-limonene), Clove, Eucalyptus, Pennyroyal. If you want to try peppermint to rid rabbits from your garden, douse a few cotton balls with peppermint essential oil. Since rabbits do most of their foraging during dawn and dusk, they prefer to head towards places they can easily stay hidden from coyotes, lynxes, foxes, and other animals that may see them as a tasty snack. If you live in a rural location, you may have also experienced problems with other mammals such as deer and coffee will work just as well for these larger creatures. Yuck! Rabbits have large incisors, similar to squirrels and mice. Of course, a hungry rabbit will eat just about anything, but making your garden less tempting will hopefully have them scurrying to look for a tastier meal elsewhere. They have 100 million scent cells with a nasal membrane sensitive to chemicals, dust, and perfumes. Chili powder works similar to how hot sauce would by irritating and inflaming the membranes in a rabbits sensitive nose. Even if you are having significant problems with wild rabbits, as rabbit lovers the last thing that we want you to do would be to injure or poison a defenseless bunny. We will always advocate the use of natural products to deter rabbits and any other type of wildlife. Positioning lavender near your affected plants is a win-win. So, when you have finished with your coffee grounds, dont throw them on the compost heap; try sprinkling them around your garden for protection instead. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Discover the Surprising Size of Lionhead Rabbits: How Big Do They Get? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Actually, Rabbits do not like the smell of peppermint.To help keep rabbits out of garden areas, put 2-3 drops of Young Living . It might be in the middle of your morning coffee, or it might be in the middle of the night, but you have had this, Read More 12 Ways To Get Crows To Shut Up And Stop CawingContinue, Raccoons are amazing and fascinating creatures, but that does not mean that most people want them in their yard, garden, or home. Rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, deer, and other creatures will eventually avoid it. So when you plant rosemary, lavender, thyme, bee balm, and mint to discourage deer, you are also planting rabbit-resistant herbs. There are numerous rabbit repellent products on the market and in our opinion (which is perhaps a little biased) it is far better to use something that will gently turn them away. Rabbits sense of smell is much more developed than that of humans. When picking a scent, make sure you choose one that will be a natural predator to the rabbits in your area. If you kill an adult, you may be leaving behind a whole litter of bunnies that will be without a mother. It should be no surprise that plants with a strong fragrance or fuzzy leaves like lavender and black-eyed Susan are less popular with rabbits. Since theyre found all over, its a good bet to use coyote urine instead of one of the other predator scents, as theres a very good chance that an intruding rabbit will know what the presence of a coyote seems like. If this happens, fill a spray bottle with lemon and vinegar and spray it on the metal to deter them from licking/chewing this area. Sarah Scott is a fact-checker and researcher who has worked in the custom home building industry in sales, marketing, and design. Think of it this way. Dried waste product from slaughterhouses is what makes up blood meal. That's my buddy, Vito. The smell is atrocious to them, and they will avoid it. Safer Brand Critter Ridder: Deer and Rabbit Repellent. Add water to cover, and place into a covered container overnight. This is because of the phenol carbolic acid contained in vinegar; rabbits cant stand the smell of it. I've since adopted another 6 which I guess makes me a crazy bunny dad! And while Looney Tunes showed Bugs Bunny perpetually chomping on a carrot, in reality, rabbits dont typically spend time digging up root vegetables (and if they do eat a root vegetable, its most likely because another animal dug up the vegetable for them). Possible Reasons Why a Seemingly Healthy Rabbit Can Suddenly Die. link to Discover the Surprising Size of Lionhead Rabbits: How Big Do They Get? In this article, we will look at smells rabbits like, are repelled by, and which ones cause them stress, but lets first address the question, What smells do rabbits hate?: First of all, rabbits have a sensitive sense of smell where certain aromas that we find tolerable or appealing causes them to be repelled, repulsed or even stressed. The entire list of plants that rabbits will eat, or at least sample, is too long to list out. You can use both blood and bone meal if it will be beneficial to your plants. It may be better to use something else from the same family that has more pungency, like lavender. If you go the sulfur route, just make sure that if you have a dog, you are keeping them away from where you spread the sulfur- they will want to sniff and potentially dig in those areas! Image by nautilus64 from Pixabay. Using a fence or fake snakes might be better options. and other similar details will be the first step in deterring them from your plants. We havent tried it ourselves but we have heard of numerous reports of rabbit owners using it to stop rabbits chewing where its not wanted such as table or chair legs. Get the latest This Old House news, trusted tips, tricks, and DIY Smarts projects from our expertsstraight to your inbox. Fabric and air fresheners. Read our. This is when rabbits feel danger or perceived threats and they will usually respond by running away from these loud sounds. So if your dog pees anywhere in your yard, rabbits will smell it! Outside in the garden/yard, you may wish to combine it with chili powder or garlic. Johnson, W. V. (1964, March). Try interplanting planting highly fragrant herbs and flowers, plants with prickly, hairy leaves, and toxic plants with your vegetables and ornamentals to help confuse and repel rabbits. Actually, Rabbits do not like the smell of peppermint.To help keep rabbits out of garden areas, put 2-3 drops of Young Living Peppermint Oil on a cotton ball or piece of fabric. What are the smells that you enjoy, but a rabbit doesnt? Common ingredients that rabbits hate the smell of include garlic, white vinegar, chili peppers, rotten eggs (sulfur), and certain strong perfumes. Sullivan, T. P., Nordstrom, L. O., & Sullivan, D. S. (1985). In Symposium ProceedingsCoyotes in the Southwest: A Compendium of Our Knowledge (1995) (p. 27). Is green grass good for rabbits? In other words, think like a rabbit. Take a look at my guide on Pest Proofing Your Home In Under a Day! While it may depend on what kind of scent you are using, typically with the smell them away method, you are simply spraying or otherwise applying the scent to the area around your garden or flowerbeds. Better yet, once the gardening season is over, you can harvest the chives and use them in your cooking, so once again, its a win-win for you. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Aside from the scent left behind by their natural predators, there are also other smells that rabbits dislike, many of which are common ingredients that many of us have around the home.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'bunnyadvice_com-banner-1','ezslot_3',631,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bunnyadvice_com-banner-1-0'); As we have mentioned, using natural ingredients as rabbit repellent is one of the best ways to avoid causing any harm to these delicate animals. Will A Mom Rabbit Come Back For Her Babies? Because a rabbits nose is so sensitive, they wont want to hang out or chow down in an area thats full of unpleasant smells. When Im not out roaming around 50+ acres of pastures, woods, and a freshwater bass pond, Im at my computer writing on Pest Pointers. Dr. Elly Cameron is a veterinarian who has always loved animals. How does one identify rabbit damage and what do they eat? They're affectionate and can simply be house-trained. Here is a link to an article that goes into greater detail about why a rabbit's ears might hot or cold to the touch. Considering one of the most popular candles and perfume scents is geranium, its clear humans do not feel the same way. The simplest way to make your garden less appetizing for these little critters is to avoid the varieties that they love the most. A quick note on using scents to repel rabbits. All of our posts have been carefully researched before publishing to ensure that they are to the best of our knowledge, accurate. It may be cute to watch a little bunny hop and frolic through your garden. Of everything mentioned previously, this is one of the more promising rabbit repellents. Incase you arent sold on begonias, geranium or lavender plants, here are a few other plants that rabbits dont enjoy the smell or taste of: All of the above are plants that rabbits typically choose not to eat in the wild. This means it has some nitrogen and a whole lot of phosphorus, which is great depending on what youre growing. Rabbits do not like the smell of vinegar at all. Manage Settings HumanWildlife Interactions, 8(1), 12. Yes, urine from natural predators to rabbits will keep them away. Lemon; Final Thoughts. many people report how a few real-looking fake snakes deter rabbits from gardens and landscapes. Theyll keep rabbits away without hurting them or your plants. You can sprinkle them on the roots and soil surrounding plants such as:tomatoes. By accosting their refined sense of smell, there is a likelihood theyll stay away from your foliage and look somewhere else. Placing some wind chimes or loud noises that two cans can make when they hit each other when the wind blows are examples of sounds that rabbits hate. You may not know it, but some of the smells that are coming from your kitchen are making your rabbit quite stressed in the living room. n the natural order of things. These little buggers can wreak havoc on entire crops in one night, leaving nothing left for you, your family, or anyone you intend to sell to. Other plants that rabbits hate include: Rabbits leave these plants alone in the wild. Use essential oils of any aromatic herbs mentioned, such as rosemary, mint, peppermint, lemon balm, etc. Rabbits can and do recognize their owners. Get daily tips & tricks to help make your best home, How to Keep Rabbits Out of Garden With or Without Fences, Controlling and Deterring Rabbits in the Garden, Designing a Dreamy Wildflower Garden You Can Maintain, Onion Companion Planting: 18 Onion Companion Plants to Grow, 31 Best-Deer Resistant Flowers and Plants to Grow, How to Get Rid of Chipmunks Using Traps or Repellants, control them from overrunning your garden, How does one identify rabbit damage and what do they eat, F. Plants and mushrooms associated with animal poisoning incidents in South Africa. The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Chives and other alliums (such as onions), sage, yarrow, and catmint are just as distasteful to rabbits as they are to deer. Sprinkling chili flakes around the base of your peonies and other garden flowers are quick, easy, and effective. Sage is also high in fiber and helps with a rabbit's .
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